Salihli is a city of natural and historical wonders , located in the west of the Anatolian peninsula with it's natural andartificial lakes, rivers, mountains have rich vegetation, healingthermal waters and a large and efficient plain. Salihli is located in the center of the Aegean region can be considered as almost heart of the region.
The exact location of Salihli in the extension of Anatolia is28.08 'degrees east longitude, 38.29' degrees north latitude.Altitude is 111 meters. Surface area is 1,302 km2. It issurrounded by Kula from east, Koprubasi from north east,Gordes from the north, Gölmarmara from northwest , Ahmetlifrom the west, Odemiş from south and Alaşehir which is town of Izmir province from southwest.
Salihli that has feature of being a contemporary city and is settled for taking advantages of natural beauties bestowed by God on human beings contains 160 thousandpeople today. With the central population of approaching 120 thousand, Salihli is the third largest county inthe Aegean region
Aerial View of Salihli
Salihli hosting various archaeological structure is one of the important tourism centers in Turkey in terms of"Cultural tourism potential," from Lidya, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods which are waiting for to go out light of day.In addition to thermal waters distribute human beings healer, in the center of town about 6 thousandhouseholds, businesses and public institutions and organizations have been heated with geothermal system
Salihli has been known by the name of "Emerald Salihli" because it has dozens of old trees their agesranging from 100 to 600 , lush vineyards and orchards with thousands, natural resources and has green tissue summer and winter.Salihli is conscious of its value, power, history and geography and also it is going on producing, working and developing to be a contemporary and healthy city of 21st century. You are invited to see and experienceuntapped natural beauty of our city and the historic of Sardis where we live on.